My Friend Who Figured it Out (2024)

A lazy roommate seeks a to find a new roommate, will they get along?

It took me forever to make this, and it wasn't perfect from the start but I'm glad where it ended up. It wasn't the cleanest shoot from the script to the final edit but I learned so much along the way, and it always leads back to capturing good clean audio to reduce headaches later.

Coors Ad (2023)

The final I did for my advertising class. It was fun editing it and we got some good feedback. Glad to see that I can cut something together quickly.

Poptart AD (2023)

Something I made for my advertising class. Was fun to make!

MY MOP/What I love. (2023)

A dude ponders the question of a changing world and how he must change with it.

 I tried to keep it simple for this one just to give myself some reassurance that I can get projects done. Good stuff, fun to film and edit. I went through a pack of herbal cigarettes, but it was worth it because now I've got that classic film look.

Rolling Void (2023)​​​​​​​

Something I made for fun in Davinci resolve at the cost of my computer trying to process what's going on. Too many effects layered on top of each other makes your computer not happy.

Peace Installation (2023)

This is something that I made for class that would be part of a larger piece which was titled Peace. Overall, it was a mid-tier assignment as it got me in a bit of trouble.

Car Troubles (2023)

This was a project for my production II class, and it was a lot of fun to shoot, though being in a Burger King parking lot was less than ideal as we got harassed by some folks living there. I was mainly the editor for the project, but I helped out on set too, should've gotten a gaffer credit because I was the only one who knew how to work the light kit we were given.

Superposition in Wakes of Great Giants (2023)

​​​​​​​Not fun and don't want to think about the struggle I had to go through to make this. It's a flicker film using an image from the James Webb telescope on top of my experimental film Walking on Fabric. Still part of a larger whole that hasn't come out yet.

Chips and Salsa (2023)

Made this in my documentary class with the help of Maddie. I had a lot of fun making it and I love chips and salsa so I wanted to demonstrate that in a documentary format.

Walking on Fabric (2022)

An experimental film that was a lot of fun to make. This piece is part of a larger whole and it illustrates the movement of a blackhole in space and time.

Blood (2023)

This is a project I did sound on. I'm not much of a sound guy and we only had a set of lavs and only one of them was working so coverage was weird, but we managed to pull it off. I wish I had gotten a set design credit as I remember spending a good chunk of time trying to make it look somewhat like a therapy office, but I guess they weren't giving those credits out.

The Last Night (2022)

This is the second project that my group worked on and it was pretty well done considering we only had class time to complete it.

The Game (2022)

This is a Project I worked on during class, I liked the group and the results but clearly my sound work is still and issue as I didn't pay attention to it at all in the edit.

The Shadow (2022)

I had Covid while my group was filming this project and my overall impact to the group was minimal but I helped edit the final project. Not my finest work and they didn't like my edit. :(

A ME (2019)

This is the first short film I made while at DePaul University, and it was shot in a single night before we were sent home to quarantine. If given more time I think the egg sequence could've been shot different, but my style is still developing.

Stay Alive (2019)
This was the last project I did in high school, it was a music video for a teacher who is well known for making health raps. I was the cinematographer and editor, it was shot in less than a day but it took about 2 weeks to edit. 

Printing (2019) 

Its about a kid who's lack of sleep gets the best of him. I wrote, shot, directed and, edited this one. My focus was mainly to get a good image and for editing it was mostly audio work. I really stepped it up from the last film.

Lemonade Stand (2019)

School Days (2018)

This is my very first short film that I created. It's about a sad kid who finds a magical object that gives him the courage to push himself out of his comfort zone. Since it was my first film I had no idea what I was doing but went in with confidence and I had a lot of fun.

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